
喜达屋又出大招了,即日起,同一个名字预定3间以内的房间,将被算作3个stay, 3个晚上,而不是以前的只算一个stay,1个晚上。超过一晚的去往上加就是了





  1. 这个太爽了!!!全家出行的福音~

  2. @Simon:

    Hope what you said it true. Yes, all rooms should get elite status, like lounge, and breakfast.

  3. 感觉这里面有个大问题,那就是3送1是不是今年就没了?
    而且所谓3个stay,那么welcome bonus,不应该给三个么?

  4. 我两周前刚用过,两间房各4个晚上。Welcome bonus 两间房都有的. SPG 帐号上显示的是一共两个stay 和8个晚上。

  5. 刘总,我从去年在美国住的时候就发现他们是这样操作了(住了20多个stay都是这么操作的)。我一般订两间房,会算双倍的stay和night

  6. @charles, we got lounge and breakfast in both rooms but they didn’t give at the begining as we are the gold member only. So we requested and they granted.

  7. @points123
    Thanks, that sounds good to me, I will try it sometime this year.

    I did a same thing (2 rooms in 2 separate reservations) with Marriott in HK in 2010. I got lounge and breakfast in both, plus a sum of the nights (Marriott does not count stays).

    I don’t know if it is a standard for Marriott also? any comments?

  8. @charles, it’s not standard. The term says, 1 breakfast for you only, not even 2. Anything more than that is not standard. hahahah

  9. 刘总阿,预定的时候是日本同事帮忙订的,我一间,翻译一间,同事一间,结账的时候我会帮另外两位付钱结帐,这样也是算3倍的nights和积分么?多谢阿!一人13晚,加起来就是39晚阿!

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